For a long time, there have been many debates over whether to say “Happy Holidays” or “Merry Christmas,” If you walk into any store during the Christmas season, you will notice that they greet their customers with “Happy Holidays” or “Seasons Greetings” instead of saying “Merry Christmas.” So, you have been wondering what the hype is all about. Read on to discover why seasons greetings cards are popular worldwide.
How the “Merry Christmas” Phrase Came Into Existence
Most people think these phrases vary for political or religious reasons. It might be true, to some extent. But when you look at it, you will realize that “Merry Christmas” is an old English phrase derived from “Cristes Maesse” or the Mass of Christ. It was first used in 1038 to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.
But as for the phrase “Happy Holidays,” it was first used in the 1500s to replace the traditional world “holiday” or “holy day.”
Do you remember what happened back in 2005? The US president back then omitted the word “Christmas” from his White House holiday card – something that didn’t go well with most critics. Most people didn’t understand why such a significant word was being omitted from his card.
The most exciting part of this controversial debate is that it hasn’t changed how people write their holiday cards. You still get to gift your loved one with a card to commemorate holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, and the New Year. There’s no formula as to when one holiday ends and another begins.
What do you Gain From Wishing Someone “Seasons Greetings” Using A Card?
Think of it as your stepping stone to get into their hearts. We doubt anyone doesn’t love gifts, regardless of their age, gender, race, or religious affiliations. The trick is to use the most straightforward words to express how you feel about them. It could be your friend, spouse, child, workmate or neighbor that you want to recognise. The bottom line is you say those words and mean them because it is a timeless gesture.
Why use Templates From Mixbook?
Mixbook has a wide range of collections in picture and word formats that you can use to customize your cards. Once you visit the site, you will get ideas on what words to write and the pictures to use. If you don’t find something that fits your style, you can still pick an idea or two. The idea is to make it look elegant so that your recipient gets your message.
It has been realized that most people prefer new trends over traditional concepts. That is why Mixbook has introduced new ideas for cards. All you need is to click on the one that will suit your needs. Remember, being simple doesn’t mean you have run out of ideas. It simply means you value the tradition and the meaning of these powerful words.
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