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The Importance Of Hiring A Lawyer In The Event Of An Accident And Serious Injury

Why is it important to hire a lawyer such as Stracci Law Group for instance for an accident and serious injury? Have you been the victim of a road accident in a car or motorbike, and you have suffered a significant bodily injury? Get an expert accident lawyer.

Why Is It Important To Hire A Lawyer In The Event Of An Accident And Serious Injury?

Have you been the victim of a road accident in a car or motorbike, and you have suffered a significant bodily injury? This principle of compensation aims to repair all damage caused fully. But most of the time, the appreciation of these can be unfavorably evaluated by the insurance company and lead to unfair compensation.

What Deserves To Observe A Great Distrust Vis A Vis The Insurer

For this reason, it is important to contact an expert accident lawyer like car accident attorney indiana for example to defend you and to whom you can entrust your case. Road accidents and serious injuries, between the insurer and a lawyer, which party to choose?

Leaving The Management Of Your Compensation To The Insurer: Quite A Risk!

Under the law, the principle of offering compensation can present at least two scenarios depending on the known date of medical consolidation:

This offer is unique, i.e., you can have several provisions but only one provisional offer. It is subject to the same formalism as the final compensation offer regarding the right of withdrawal.

The insurer can constitute this first situation from certain conditions.

He must be aware of the consolidation three months after the accident and within a time limit of eight months following this accident. The final offer will then continue within five months from the date he becomes aware of the consolidation.

This offer is directly applicable without going through the provisional one only if the insurer becomes aware of the consolidation within three months of the accident.

The latter will have a time limit of eight months following the accident.

These often derisory and insignificant indemnities in the face of their damages are because most of these victims defend themselves alone against powerful insurance companies. They thus find themselves easily destabilized and, above all, influenced by the terms of their offer of compensation.

The victims will then comply with the advice of the insurers and accept compensation lower than what they are truly entitled to. Because despite the circumstances, these indemnities rarely represent the compensation that a court would award. Hence the importance of calling upon an expert accident lawyer to intervene between you and your interlocutor. In this way, you will avoid certain pitfalls or errors that you will certainly face from these companies, in particular in the following cases:

Late compensation offer

Insufficient first offer

Hasty signature conceding to the loss of any recourse or any right of contestation

Impartial medical expertise with a doctor commissioned by the insurer

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