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Basement Waterproofing; Everything You Ought To Know

Basement waterproofing is essential, mostly in areas where the groundwater is more likely to rise up to the basement floor due to hydrostatic pressure and other forces. This is because the water table in these areas is high and therefore , when hydrostatic pressure is exerted on it, it forces the water to seep through cracks and pores found on the basement walls and the floor.

Hydrostatic pressure plays an essential role in expansion of joints between the floor and the wall and consequently, leads to destruction of the basement foundation. According to DrainCom, if basement waterproofing is not done as soon as possible, this can lead to serious structural damage and growth of mould which can impact on the health of your family members negatively. In essence , waterproofing should be done on the structure when it is built and after some years.

  1. Establishing the Position of the Crack in the Foundation

Before starting waterproofing Toronto, the repairer has to determine where the crack is originating from. Typically, the cracks occur on the footing foundation and extend to become floor cracks. The cracks allow water to pass through, causing molding, decaying, and rotting of your basement.

  1. Fix the Foundation from the Exterior

The next basement waterproofing step is fixing the foundation, and it starts by excavating it, and the best excavation is carried out beyond the crack. Additional cracks are checked to prevent them from extending to become large and problematic cracks.

  1. Cleaning the Wall

After exposing the crack, a wire brush is used to clean the wall, ready for the coat primer. After the coat primer is applied, it is cleaned again with the wire brush and chiseled out to allow quick setting of the hydraulic cement, which expands to cure the crack.

  1. Applying Hydroshield

A trowel is used to apply hydroshield entirely to the wall. It prevents air, liquid water, and moisture from passing through. Fiberglass mesh is applied, and another layer of hydroshield applied to create a dual coating.

  1. Applying a layer of Thick Plastic

The thick plastic coating is applied while the hydroshield patch is still wet. A platon drainage board is also installed to act as an additional layer to prevent the penetration of water into the foundation wall.

  1. Installing Clear Gravel

In basement waterproofing, a fresh weeping tile is used to replace the existing one and clear gravel installed over and around it. This shielding protects the overall drainage system from becoming overwhelmed. Backfilling is then done, power tampering the native soil in every 6”-12”.

  1. Attaching a Termination Strip

When the power tamps, and the backfill are complete, the platon drainage board is connected with a termination strip on its top. When this strip is put before the backfilling process is over, it can cause complications due to the separation of the termination strip and the drainage board.

Once the basement waterproofing Toronto is through, it is essential to clean up the area and restore it to its status allow the building’s routine operations to continue.

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