High Voltage Electric transmission lines are above power lines utilised for reliable mass power transmission. Considering that the power needs to be transferred over long distances, the voltage degree of the transmitted power is enhanced to minimise the present to reduce I²R i.e., power losses throughout transmission. The reduced the present, the reduced the resisting losses on the conductors. That is why these lines are labelled as high-voltage transmission lines.
As per a report, transmission lines can be categorised based on different voltage levels:
- High-voltage or HV Lines: Transmission lines having a voltage degree between 100-230kV lie under the classification of HV lines.
- An ultra-high voltage or UHV Lines: Those transmission lines whose voltage level is above 1000kV are classified as UHV lines.
- An extra-high voltage or EHV Lines: EHV lines are those transmission lines whose voltage degree is between 230-1000kV.
Structure of Transmission Tower
A Transmission tower consists of the adhering to constructional components:
- Peak: Part of the tower above the top cross arm is referred to as the top. The planet guard cord is attached to the pointer of this optimal.
- Cross Arms: They hold the major conductor lines. The measurements of cross arms depend upon the voltage degree to which the transmission line is to be operated.
- Cage: This portion holds the cross arms of the tower. It lies between the peak, as well as the body of the tower.
- Tower Body: The part of the tower between the bottom cross arms as well as the ground is called the tower body. The purpose of the tower body is to provide sufficient clearance between the ground, as well as conductors.
Vital Terms
- Right of Way: It is defined as the land across the transmission lines which is reserved to provide a risk-free margin for the close-by areas. This passage is utilised by pertinent authorities to construct, repair, or keep transmission towers or lines.
- Safe Range: Safe range is the range from the transmission tower throughout the passage specified by the right of way. It can additionally be named a boundary area.
Period: The horizontal distance in the middle of 2 transmission towers is called a span. - Droop: It is specified as the distinction between the degree of point of support, as well as the lowest point of the conductor.
- Ground Clearance: The distance from the most affordable point of the conductor to the ground is referred to as ground clearance.
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